Initial 30 minute Consultation: Free

Intake: $250 for a 90 minute session in order to allow plenty of time for you to share what you need and want and for us to make a plan that feels right to both of us. 

Follow-up Sessions: $150 for a 55 minute session. Additional time is an option and will be billed in 15 minute increments (i.e., $37.50/15 mins). Whenever able, please let me know before our session that you would like additional time so we can set aside time. 


I accept check, cash, or credit card at the time of your appointment. 


I am an Out-of-Network (OON) provider with all insurance carriers which means you pay me directly for each session as it occurs. If you would like to use your insurance provider’s out-of-network benefits to get reimbursed for some/all of the cost, I am happy to provide a Super Bill for you to submit to your insurance provider.

Want to use Out-of-Network benefits? Here’s how to contact your insurance provider:

—Have your insurance card at the ready.

—Have pen/pencil and paper handy. Or whatever device(s) that work well for you to record and keep up with medical insurance info.

—Call the designated phone number on your insurance card.

—Speak with a staff member who can tell you about your Out-of-Network outpatient mental healthcare benefits.

—Write down the date of your call along with the name of the staff person(s) you spoke with. Ask for and write down the call confirmation number, too.


—Ask: Do I Have Out-of-Network benefits for outpatient mental health care?

—If yes, then ask: What is my annual out-of-network deductible? Ask them if you have already met the OON deductible this year, and if not, how much remains before the insurance company begins reimbursing you for your OON costs.

—Ask: What amounts do my OON benefits pay for these codes?: 90791, 90837, 90847, 90846.

—Ask: Is there an OON out-of-pocket maximum? If so, how much is it, and how much does insurance pay if you meet that maximum. You could also ask how much you’ve paid toward your OON out-of-pocket maximum.

—Ask: How do I file OON claims? What do they require in order for you to access your OON benefits (I.e., Super Bill, claim form, etc.). Find out where and how to send the request for reimbursement (e.g., physical address, email address, fax number). I also would ask which method they prefer, and I would ask when you should expect to receive payment following each claim you file.

—Ask them if there is anything else that would be helpful for you to know regarding filing for OON benefits.

That should get you solid, useful info from your insurance company! If not, let me know.

Then let me know the frequency you would prefer for the Super Bills (e.g., monthly, bi-monthly, etc.) and we will make it happen.

OON Recap: You pay me in full for each appointment, you get a Super Bill from me at the frequency you prefer, you file OON claims with your insurance company, you receive money back from your insurance company that is yours to use as you wish. Bravo! 

Ready to Get Started?
