Hey! I am looking forward to getting The Gallery up and running. For now, here’s the following.

If you’ve read a decent bit of this website, you may have gathered I think mindfulness is mighty powerful. Part of what makes it powerful is that it comes in different forms —more on that in blogs to come, and if you work with me in person, you have the option to explore it then, too. —Most types of mindfulness, and some in particular, really lend themselves to the recognition of beauty. And that leads to the activation of awe, wonder, gratitude, creativity. Those are tremendously healing and life enriching experiences. They can also be the foundation for creativity. Artists of all ilk know this in some form or another.

This Gallery will be a practice and celebration of mindfulness, awe, wonder, curiosity, discovery, gratitude, creativity. All synonyms for joy. Perhaps you will want to make a Gallery of your own. Perhaps you already do. Yay! Please carry on with yours and please come back soon to see what’s happening with this one.

With warm regard, jan