My Office Hours are: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 8 am-4pm, with Mondays available for rescheduled appointments when needed.

Instead of having a cancellation policy, I have a flexible rescheduling policy which helps to keep care moving along. Something we’ve learned of late is that consistency, engagement, and maintaining momentum are associated with improved treatment — as in quicker and longer lasting healthy effects. Yay on that! 

How that translates to the day-to-day is that you and I will set up your appointment day, time, and frequency. You and I will know when we are meeting for the foreseeable future and we can both set our calendars and budgets accordingly. You pay me based on that schedule, and if for any given appointment, you need or want to meet at another time, you have access to my calendar via your Client Portal and you can choose an open spot that is within a three-week window of your originally scheduled appointment. You may choose a spot the same week, the week before, or the week after. 

What if the above system doesn’t work one or more weeks for you? You get two freebies per calendar year. And when I’m away (e.g., continuing education, vacation, illness, etc), you have the option to schedule another session or have the time off, too. No payment required, of course, if you take the day off while I’m away.

If you need to make a long-term change in your appointment time, let me know and we will make that happen as best we can. 

If you are at a point in your life where you would like to pop in for a session every month/every two-three months, let’s talk. If we are on the same page, I am happy to make that work. 

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